About Us

After serving our country in the U.S. Army, Wanda and Carisa decided to jump start their careers in the Human Resources field.


With a combined total of 20 years of HR experience, they established HRXpertise—a company which provides a variety of HR services for small to mid-sized companies.

Human Resources and recruitment services require specialized industry and company specific strategies. There is no “one size fits all” solution. HRXpertise will work with your company to determine the best model that fits your specific needs.

Human Resource outsourcing doesn’t take the control out of your hands, but provides you with the expertise to make smart decisions. Let us advise you on what we know best, so that you can do what you do best- run your company.

Need more extensive HR Management Services? We can certainly help. HRXpertise Consulting can act as, or enhance, your HR Department. From Benefits to Recruitment to exit interviews. HRXpertise Consulting can do it all.

We believe in doing good work with good people.